Sunday, November 28, 2010

Clean Brushes

Thanks Michelle Phan!! Michelle Phan is a really famous guru youtuber and she has a really good tutorial on how to clean make up brushes.  You can watch the video in the post below this post.  I basically followed everything she suggested with a few of my own "steps" in between..=).

1.  I used EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and baby shampoo.  Even though in youtube she uses anti-bacterial dishwashing soap.  I don't mind if it's not anti=bacterial.  I pumped like 15 pumps out of the baby soap and then around 2/3rds of EVOO.

My brushes all ready to be cleaned!

This is not the natural color of my brushes...they're super dirty here =)

2. So just like Michelle Phan did:
 I swirled my brushes with the EVOO and baby shampoo and then brushed it on my hand.

3.  Then after swirling and brush withs soap on the plate and hand I left them in this plate. A plate where the brushes can be slanted downwards so the liquid does go down the funnel and spoil the brush. 

See the brushes compared to the 3rd picture?!  This is what they're supposed to really look like.

4-5-6.  Go to the sink and wash the brushes
 careful to only wash the bottom area and not let the whole brush be soaking wet.
Dry them as much as I can with some paper towel.
Put them in my home-made brush guard (I did a post on this previously).  And lean it agains the wall  to dry up.
7.  Once the brushes are not "soaking" wet and almost dry I take them out of their brush guard to "breathe" and fully dry.  I put my plate upside down so that the brushes are slanted downwards to prevent any liquid from getting deep into the brushes.
* If you do not have brush guards just dry them with tissue paper and lay them on their side but laying the top of the handles on something like a book or towel so water won't get into the funnel area which can ruin the brush.

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